Sarah joined the CITL as an Instructional Consultant in 2022. As a consultant, she works with instructors on developing inclusive and learner-centered pedagogies that promote student agency. She also created and currently facilitates the CITL Student-Faculty Partnership program, a unique opportunity for undergraduate students and instructors to collaborate on creating student-centric courses. In addition, she collaborates on many key CITL programs, including the Course Development Institute and Crimson Course Transformation Initiative, and hosts variety of workshops, reading groups, and learning communities.
Sarah holds a BAs in English and French from Hanover College and an MA in English from Indiana University Bloomington. She is also a PhD candidate in the Department of English at IUB. Her teaching record includes a variety of writing and literature courses, and she is the recipient of several teaching awards, including the Lieber Memorial Instructor Award.
When she’s not developing CITL events, Sarah loves planning absurdly detailed theme parties and reading anything she can get her hands on.
Read Sarah’s CITL Blog posts.

Publications and Presentations

Pedzinski, Sarah. “Fostering Collaborative Course Design Through a Learning Community Centered on Student-Faculty Partnerships.” Poster presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. French Lick, IN. October 31, 2024.

Pedzinski, Sarah and Gabrielle Stecher. “The Value of Teaching Centers in Graduate Career Development.” XChanges. April 17, 2024.

Pedzinski, Sarah and Gabrielle Stecher. “Syllabus Blues? Try Reciprocal Peer Review.” The Teaching Professor. August 7, 2023.

Pedzinski, Sarah and Sean Sidky. “Plagiarism: An Opportunity for Empathetic Teaching.” The Teaching Professor. March 6, 2023.

Pedzinski, Sarah. “Cultivating Small-Scale Faculty-Student Partnerships: Three Key Considerations.” Under review at the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal.

Pedzinski, Sarah. “Writing for Social and Emotional Learning in the Higher Ed Classroom.” In The Emotional Lives of English Teachers: Stories from Our Classrooms, edited by Ginger Blackwell and Jonathan Cullick. Forthcoming.
Pedzinski, Sarah and Madeline Keyser. “Medieval Manuscript Investigations.” In TILTed Pedagogy, edited by Shannon Sipes et al. Forthcoming.

Rodak, Miranda, Emily Esola, and Sarah Pedzinski. “Rewarding Risk in Writing Instruction & GTA Training: How WPAs Can Rethink the “Work” of Grading.” In (Un)Commonplaces in Graduate Teaching Assistantship Training & Experiences, edited by dawn shepherd et al. Forthcoming.

Pedzinski, Sarah and Sean Sidky. “The Use of Specific, Structured Reading Questions.” In Open(ing) Access: Equity and Reading, edited by Joanne Baird Giordano. Forthcoming.