Application for an Active Learning Classroom

Application for Placement in Active Learning Classrooms

In continued support of campus goals surrounding collaborative and active learning, the CITL coordinates the placement of classes into the following innovative teaching spaces:

  • Cedar Hall AC C102 is designed to support discussion-based collaborative classes of up to 48 students with movable tables and portable whiteboards.
  • The Collaborative Learning Studio (Student Building 015) is an innovative classroom space that seats 96 students and leverages advanced technologies (including a video wall display) and a de-centered layout to meet collaborative instructional goals.

Notes: Classrooms in the Global and International Studies Building, as well as new classrooms in other buildings, should be requested through your departmental scheduling officer. Also, this page is exclusive for requesting classroom assignments for full semesters; requests to use these rooms for individual events should be made on the Registrar's Space Reservation Request Form.

In order to promote effective use of these unique classrooms, and to further our ongoing research agenda studying their impact on student learning and success, classes will be prioritized that meet combinations of the following criteria:

  • Full-time faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, clinical, and lecturers), or Associate Instructors with the sponsorship of their lead faculty members
  • Clear plans for implementing collaborative, active learning approaches as central components of the class; approaches used in SB 015 should effectively utilize the room’s technology to support these instructional strategies.
  • Agreement to attend a course/activity design workshop (a combination of technical orientation and active-learning pedagogy workshop) and/or work with a CITL consultant on the design of active learning strategies that best utilize the room’s capabilities; applicants with prior experience teaching in these rooms may be asked to participate in order to share their experiences.
  • Agreement to participate in research about the effectiveness of these spaces for enhancing active learning and student success (e.g., faculty and student surveys, observational studies, etc.)
  • Classes that meet at least 75% of room capacity and use standard meeting times (note the changed standard meeting times listed below, which start in Spring 2025)
  • Special consideration may be given to instructors who are 1) redesigning courses to meet a specific instructional or curricular challenge (high DFW rates, differences in student success based on gender or ethnicity, etc.), and/or 2) actively studying the impact of new course designs on student learning. Applicants may also apply for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning grants to support this work.

Faculty members wishing to teaching in these classrooms should speak with their chairs and/or departmental scheduling officers in order to coordinate scheduling requests. Once the CITL has received applications and prioritized classes, we will provide that preferred list to the Registrar and inform faculty applicants of the results. Please note that in order to accommodate the greatest number of requests, we may contact individuals about adjusting class schedule if possible.

If you have have not yet taught in one of these rooms and wish to do so, we strongly encourage you to speak with a CITL or Mosaic consultant about how the room might support your instructional approaches for the classroom, as well as how in-class activities might be developed/revised to best utilize this room’s design. Room tours can be arranged as well to better inform applications.

Generally speaking, courses will not be accepted (especially for SB 015) without faculty members assigned; exceptions may be made if 1) the course is specifically designed for heavy use of collaboration and active learning, and 2) the department agrees to require the eventual instructor to participate in course/activity design workshops and/or consulting.

In order to request placement in this classroom, please fill out the Mosaic Active Learning Classroom Request form. If you are submitting multiple requests, please fill out the form once for each class so we have a sortable spreadsheet. You will need this information for the form:

  • Room requested (SB 015 or AC C102)
  • Instructor’s name
  • Department
  • Course number and name (include this section’s class number provided by your scheduling officer)
  • Meeting days and start/end times
  • Class size
  • Course Plans: Please describe your plans for using the classroom that match its design and technology, including relevant details of planned teaching approaches and class activities. Briefly explain how you will engage students in ways that are unique to this space and its technology, with specific examples of class activities as appropriate.
  • Other Reasons: Please share any other relevant information that makes your class a good fit for this space—related curricular goals, plans to study impacts on student learning and success, etc.
  • Confirm that you are willing to attend a course/activity design workshop and/or work with a CITL consultant (returning instructors may be asked to share their experiences as part of these workshops).
  • Indicate if you are willing to participate in research studies regarding these spaces.

Please note:

  • The deadline for requesting Fall 2025 classes is December 4, 2024, noon ET.
  • Spring 2025 courses are already scheduled for these rooms.
  • If you are submitting applications for multiple sections—i.e., as a course coordinator—each request should be submitted separately on the form.
  • Applicants (or a delegate) should be available by email and/or phone in the days after the deadline in case of questions or the need to reschedule the course to fit the room schedule.

New Standard Meeting Times

The following new meeting times will go into effect in Spring 2025. Please ensure your requests align with this schedule.

3 Day
50 Minute

2 Day
75 Minute







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