As CITL Director, Greg’s work focuses on developing a comprehensive approach to instructional development, as well as identifying new ways to foster and spread innovative teaching among the IUB faculty. He has a special interest in exploring ways to move instructors from one-time interactions with the CITL to more in-depth and transformational engagements that have greater potential to change teaching and impact student learning. In addition to his director role, Greg consults with departments on curricular design and coordinates the Summer Instructional Development Fellowships.

Greg holds a PhD in English from Ball State University with an emphasis in Rhetoric and Composition, and his undergraduate and Master's work is from Truman State University in Missouri. His teaching background focuses on first-year writing courses, and he has worked in a writing center as a student--all experiences that impact his views on pedagogy and student engagement.

Greg's professional service includes work for the Professional and Organizational Development Network (POD), where he has served on the Core Committee (board of directors) and Executive Committee as finance chair. He has also served as conference chair for both POD and the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Internally to IU, he as served on various task forces and committees studying Generative AI, student belonging, classroom development, and other teaching-related topics.

Outside of work, Greg is a freelance writer for Bloom Magazine and enjoys gardening as much as Bloomington's deer allow. He likes to read and is a bit of a sci-fi nerd (author John Scalzi and Dr. Who are current favorites). His wife, Carmen, is an IU Kokomo graduate, and both his daughters are IU Bloomington alumni.


Von Hoene, L., Nilson, L.B., and Siering, G. (2017). "Intended Teaching Effectiveness Outcomes for Instructors and Faculty Development." Institutional Commitment to Teaching Excellence: Assessing the Impacts and Outcomes of Faculty Development. Eds., Haras, C. Taylor, S.C., Sorcinelli, M.D., and von Horne, L. American Council on Education.

Lee, D., Morrone, A.S., and Siering, G. (2017). From Swimming Pool to Collaborative Learning Studio: Pedagogy, Space, and Technology in a Large Active Learning Classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development.

Siering, G. J., Tapp, S., Lohe, D. R., and Logan, M. M. (2015), Negotiating a Seat at the Table: Questions to Guide Institutional Involvement. To Improve the Academy, 34: 171–193.

Morrone, A., Ouimet, J., Siering, G., and Arthur, I. (2014). Coffeehouse as Classroom: Examination of a New Style of Active Learning Environment. New Directions for Teaching and Learning 137: 41-51.

Rehrey, G., Siering, G., and Hostetter, C. (2014). SoTL Principles and Program Collaboration in the Age of Integration.  International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 8.1 (2014).

Select Presentations

“Perspectives on Program Review: From Self-Study to External Visit.” Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference, Portland, OR: November 16, 2018. 

“Aligning Center Work with Campus-Level Strategic Plans.” Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference, San Francisco, CA: November 5, 2015.

“Leading and Participating in Campus-Level Change: Risks, Rewards, and Strategies.” POD/AAC&U Organizational Development Institute. AAC&U Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: January 20, 2015. 

“Leveraging SoTL Principles for Program Integration.” Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference, Dallas, TX: November 8, 2014. 

“Leveraging Collaborative Technologies and Pedagogies in Large Active Learning Classrooms.” Educause Learning Initiative Conference. New Orleans, LA: February 5, 2014. 

“Centers in Transition: The Risks—and Freedoms—of Re-Invention.” Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: November 7, 2013.