Spotlight, March 2012

Every spring semester for the past three years, Linda Hoke-Sinex of the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences has taught “Psychology of Adolescent Girls.” It is a class she long had an interest in teaching.
“I’m interested in the psychology of women, especially adolescent women. At that age, there tend to be a lot of developmental challenges, a lot of it dealing with body image, objectification, and even relational aggression. I wanted to apply that interest in a way that would help adolescent girls directly, while also helping my students better understand these challenges in a psychological context. Service-learning seemed like a perfect model, balanced to benefit both the students and these adolescent girls.”
“Psychology of Adolescent Girls,” began as a service-learning topics course in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, but for the first time, the course now has its own course number. Hoke-Sinex says the classroom portion of the course is basically a research-based seminar. For two class periods in a week, students discuss the academic literature on the psychology of women and girls. The course covers a range of topics, including dating and relationships, adolescent eating and anxiety disorders, and media representation of women and girls.
The course is small, usually with fifteen to twenty students, which helps enable the service-learning component of the course. Once a week, the students go onsite. Hoke-Sinex’s course is partnered with three local middle schools and is hoping to soon partner with a fourth. Her students spend one or two hours as mentors for groups of middle school girls at those schools.
“They’re not therapists, of course.” Hoke-Sinex describes the role of her students basically as role models and mentors. About five students are assigned to each middle school, working with the girls on particular issues. For example, they might take a teen magazine and deconstruct the images presented in this material, discussing the ways in which such imagery manipulates social ideals of feminine beauty. This forum generally takes a casual form as a sort of “lunch bunch,” where her service-learning students spend a casual lunch hour with adolescent girl students at the middle schools.