The Excellence in Community-Engaged Learning Student Award

The Excellence in Community-Engaged Learning Student Award

Application Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025

Submit your nomination!

The Service-Learning Program at IUB welcomes nominations for our 2024-2025 Excellence in Community-Engaged Learning Student Award. This award recognizes five IUB students who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to community-based learning and community engagement. Qualified students should have demonstrated significant academic growth and have made a meaningful contribution to their community partner.

This includes:

  • Exhibiting an impressive depth of understanding of the academic course material of the community-engaged learning class and demonstrating civic and personal growth as a result of the community-based learning experience;
  • Demonstrating consistently high quality on-site service or completing a special project for an agency that successfully meets a genuine agency need;
  • Showing a high level of responsibility and professionalism.

Faculty nominations will be welcome for students in community-engaged learning classes from all departments and schools at IUB.


Nominations should be for students in a community-engaged learning class offered during the 2024-2025 academic year.  Nominations should include:

1)  A nominating letter that identifies:

  • The community-engaged learning course and semester in which the student was enrolled and describe the student’s service activity and its relationship;
  • How the community-engaged learning experience shaped the student’s personal, professional, and academic development.

2)  Statement of support from the community partner that identifies:

  • The impact the service activity had on the community partner.

Please send any questions to Michael Valliant, Director, Service-Learning Program, Indiana University, Bloomington,  Deadline for nominations is Friday, April 11, 2025.